
Yes i know this is more of a kid genre but who cares we were all kids at some point. This is genre I’m probably most biased about. I grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s so of course I think we had the best animated films. I believe I can back this up by saying NO ANIMATED FILM IS BETTER THAN LION KING!!!!!! Not Toy Story, or Finding Nemo, and definitely not Frozen. Animated films go Lion King > everyone else, just wanted to clear that up. To be perfectly honest 90’s kids had the best animated TV series as well. This was back when Nickelodeon, Disney, Fox, WB, and Cartoon Network were on point so the animated film industry dominated everything. These are some of my picks for best Animated films:

Lion King

Toy Story

Finding Nemo

Monster’s Inc


The Incredibles

Iorn Giant