Usless Facts

One of my favorite things to read are useless facts so thought I’d share a few with all of you.

  1. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original film “Halloween” was actually a Captain Kirk mask painted white.
  2. Most toilets flush in E flat.
  3. polar bears are left handed
  4. Humpty Dumpty’s rhym never says he’s an egg
  5. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a superman somewhere
  6. The average chocolate bar has 8 insects’ legs in it.
  7. All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
  8. China has more English speakers than the United States.
  9. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors
  10. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined
  11. One of the reasons marijuana is illegal today is because cotton growers in the 30s lobbied against hemp farmers-they saw it as competition.
  12. America almost Nuked itself 5 times   :^0


Life Without Music

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”  a simple quote from Friedrich Nietzsche that personifies the opinions of many people thought the world. Music is not just the background noise to life, it is blood pumping through it’s veins keeping it alive. Music can calm you down, it can get you hype, it can make you sad, hell if you hear the right song at a certain time in your life it can even make you cry. Music is like your best friend because it helps you in your time of need. Music connects you to people all around the world letting you know that you’re not the only person going through a certain situation. Music is often used to make political statements. It helps shine a light on many wrongs happening throughout the world. Music can also be used to help you express your faith and devotion to whatever spiritual being you believe in. Music transcends borders, races, religion, and even time. You may not be able to express how you feel but I bet you can find a song that does. Music is joy,sorrow, excitement, and love. Music is the feeling of life therefore without music there is no life.

The art of Graffiti

Is graffiti art or vandalism? In my opinion graffiti is one of the best forms of Art. When I am speaking about graffiti I’m not talking about just some random stuff some delinquent put on the side of a restaurant. I’m talking about the beautiful art form that many people in urban neighborhoods use to express themselves. Many people associate graffiti with simple gang tags on the side of a building and they say that it lacks creativity. While I agree that some forms of tagging lack a sense of creativity, the big picturesque murals that are seen around Urban neighborhoods in places like New York,  LA, or Chicago are in my opinion some of the most beautiful pieces of artworks I have ever seen in my life. And to be perfectly honest not all forms of tagging are bad. If you asked three different graffiti artist named Eric to write their name you would get three different styles of how to write the word Eric. The way in which each artist interprets the alphabet and the use of different colors or maybe the use of an avatar to represent who they are is  what makes graffiti a beautiful art form. While some people take issue with the fact that graffiti is illegal so therefore it can’t be art I think that many graffiti artists use it to make political or even economical statement. To be honest I don’t put great value in the opinions of those people who claim graffiti  is not art because they’re the same people who can stare at a black Square and say it has some deeper meaning. Graffiti is one of the most beautiful forms of artwork there is in the world and the fact that more graffiti paintings aren’t displayed museums in my opinion is a great travesty.


Movies are some of the most exciting forms of entertainment. Like books they allow you a few hours of much needed escape from reality to just simply enjoy the art of doing nothing. Every movie genre has has what you can consider a golden age when they were at the height a popularity and their best films were made. Here are a few of my favorite genres and what years i consider to be their golden ages.





Boxing Vs. MMA

In the world of physical sports there is a debate on what’s better Boxing or MMA. In my opinion I find MMA to be the more enjoy sport to watch. Some people try to make it seem as though MMA is undisciplined while boxing requires a high level of skill. I believe that is completely untrue, you can’t just step in a MMA ring thinking I’ll just throw some wild punches and win. It takes discipline to know when to strike or go for the take down. You have to have a certain level of skill to be able to make a split second decision on what type of submission hold to go for in the middle of a fight. Some people think boxing is more exiting because they keep the action standing while MMA fighters hug each other on the ground. Again this is something I disagree with, when MMA fighters go to the ground they try to put people in submission hold or go to their ground and pound, they’re not just hugging each other because they’re tired. Speaking of hugging people when they’re tired, boxer routinely grab each other in a fight at least in MMA they are doing something productive. Also I believe MMA offers a more diverse challenge for fighters. A MMA fighter has to train to be able to fight not only people in their specific style of fighting but also those in other disciplines as well. This makes for a more entertaining fights to watch than anything boxing is putting out these days.