Life Without Music

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”  a simple quote from Friedrich Nietzsche that personifies the opinions of many people thought the world. Music is not just the background noise to life, it is blood pumping through it’s veins keeping it alive. Music can calm you down, it can get you hype, it can make you sad, hell if you hear the right song at a certain time in your life it can even make you cry. Music is like your best friend because it helps you in your time of need. Music connects you to people all around the world letting you know that you’re not the only person going through a certain situation. Music is often used to make political statements. It helps shine a light on many wrongs happening throughout the world. Music can also be used to help you express your faith and devotion to whatever spiritual being you believe in. Music transcends borders, races, religion, and even time. You may not be able to express how you feel but I bet you can find a song that does. Music is joy,sorrow, excitement, and love. Music is the feeling of life therefore without music there is no life.

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